Do You Suffer From Terminal Uniqueness? Promises Behavioral Health

Then comes the drink or drug that changes that difficult feeling into one of euphoria, confidence, self-assurance and finally feeling right with the world. That feeling of euphoria is transformed into panic, shame, guilt, remorse. Behaviors are incongruent with moral convictions, there are lies, transgressions, covering up, hiding, pretending, sickness, and eventually despair, anguish and the jumping off place. If you try all the other stuff and still feel like what works for others doesn’t apply to you, you can always just pretend. Most of the rules we follow every day are not really binding.

terminal uniqueness

The number one way that “terminal uniqueness” can be remedied is by having an open mind. This may be easier said than done, but having an open mind will allow recovering individuals to see the shared points they have with others. They must focus on finding common ground rather than what sets them apart from everyone else. The most obvious person who is hurt by “terminal uniqueness” is the person who suffers from it.

Terminal Uniqueness Doesn’t Help

Often, terminal uniqueness is also addressed as a barrier to recovery. People with substance use disorders need to know they are not necessarily “special” to the extent that their natural individuality applies to their ability — or inability — to recover. Psychotherapy can also get to the root of a person’s true uniqueness as it pertains to their circumstances.

terminal uniqueness

The mindset of terminal uniqueness is divisive, and takes on a me versus them approach to the world. This is a big problem for an addict or an alcoholic because asking for help becomes harder than it already is. The person may think that what worked for other people could never work for him because he’s worse/better than everyone else.

Terminal Uniqueness: Finding Common Ground in Recovery

We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional. I know in my story there were many things that I believed a synthetic derivative of the kudzu vine can to be unique to my situation because in my life I had no direct contact with people who had experienced some of the same difficulties or situations. They falsely believe that they will be able to control it this time, but they inevitably end up in the same – or worse – situation as before. Instead of recognizing how similar they are, these individuals focus on the differences and often exaggerate them in their heads.

  • If you are still not yet making a connection to finding common ground, the best you can do is continue to try.
  • That feeling of euphoria is transformed into panic, shame, guilt, remorse.
  • It’s to your advantage to do so because you might be able to learn from other people’s mistakes.
  • It takes a village to stay sober, with each person equally important to the survival of the whole.
  • Psychotherapy is intended to help patients become more aware of the thoughts and actions that lead to addiction and the factors that may motivate them.

It is called terminal because this delusional thinking that leads to a refusal to get help and the denial that consequences for PD behaviors apply to them, is ultimately self destructive and relationship destroying. Helping women find new and progressive ways to overcome addiction and abuse. On this page you will find more information and useful links regarding mental health. Holding onto this mentality and acting this way can also prevent you from making strong relationships with others in the recovery community who would otherwise support you in your journey to sobriety. Here are some of the key reasons why terminal uniqueness is so dangerous. You won’t take actions to create a life that supports your recovery.

This type of thinking can be damaging to their personal relationships as well as dangerous for their sobriety. They invalidate all supports and push themselves to feel more and more alone. They sometimes engage in competitive trauma or hardship as well, which fuels these feelings more. Most alcoholics and other kinds of addicts suffer from Terminal Uniqueness. Terminal Uniqueness says, “I am very special”, “My case is different”, “I never did that”, “ I would never do this”, “I am not like those people”.

Reboot Your Recovery

Do yourself a favor and toss your terminally unique myth in favor of the small glimmers of similarity you may find when you reach out. Terminal uniqueness is a phrase you may hear at meetings that means you think you are completely unique. If you are a woman, when you go to meetings, you only notice the men and feel like you are the only woman.

terminal uniqueness

Some of these things are a destructive priority system, like how they might choose substances over a family member who is in need. One of the less talked about traits is referred to as “terminal uniqueness” and it can be an incredibly difficult trait to work with in the recovery process. Peers at support groups and meetings, not only will you be able to find them, but you will overlook a lot of the similarities. It also means that you are not listening carefully enough. When you take time to listen, you stand to discover that you have a lot in common with other people managing their addiction.

The Dangers of Terminal Uniqueness in Addiction Recovery

Additional calls will also be forwarded and returned by a quality treatment center within the USA. Terminal Uniqueness is a form of isolation that so many in a program of recovery will relate to. If you are wondering yourself if you have this warped perspective, here are a few indicators. Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship for people struggling with drug problems and thus affecting their daily lives. For more information regarding their meeting schedules, refer to their website in Finnish or in English. is a nationwide web service that has been developed by social- and healthcare professionals.

City of Helsinki and City of Vaasa have emergency helplines for urgent social issues. Here you can find information in Finnish of Helsinki’s do i have an allergy to alcohol helpline, and here of Vaasa’s helpline. Sekaisin-chat is a Finnish chat that supports mental wellbeing and helps to survive mental illness.

We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. When you go to meetings and listen to other group members you can always find wiggle room if you only look for differences.

Success Stories

One person is much younger, so she doesn’t have you life experience, one person is much older so he was actively addicted for longer, and so on. If you look for similarities instead, you will notice that people struggling with addiction actually have a lot in common. You will certainly find common ground with members of your group if you are honest with yourself. It’s to your advantage to do so because you might be able to learn from other people’s mistakes. Either way, terminal uniqueness undermines your recovery. You are, technically, unique, so you can always find some reason you don’t have to do some part of recovery you find especially difficult or uncomfortable.

Help in everyday life

At AA or NA meetings, you may come across people from different social classes as well as different races and religions. You’ll meet people who are young and old, rich and poor or somewhere in-between. From criminals to judges and from street people to royalty, just about every type of person you can imagine can be found in meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous buspirone buspar or Narcotics Anonymous. If you are new to meetings, you may feel for one reason or another that you don’t belong and that there is something different about you compared to the people who are there. You may find it hard to relate to the other people in the room. You are feeling uncomfortably different and it is caused by your sense of total uniqueness.

Recovery is unique in that everyone has their own stories to tell, but it is the similarities everyone shares that make a group able to help keep fellow members sober. At the bare minimum, everyone has in common that they are sober and want to stay that way. Although the stories of how they got to that place may be different, everyone is in the same place mentally at that moment. “Terminal uniqueness” can break down these commonalities.

Go to a 12 steps meeting, and if you don’t like it, go to another, and another. It may not be for you, but keep an open mind and see if you don’t just learn that the people at meetings are a lot more like you than you thought. Calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8XX numbers) for your visit will be answered by a licensed drug and alcohol rehab facility, a paid advertiser on Addictionlink is a web service intended for substance abuse and addiction.

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